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Finding The Line(JtM ep.5)

Hey y'all,

It has been a busy week, but not necesarily in a good way. I got suspended.

Basically, I commited a minor infraction against the rules of the recording by accident, for which the librarians decided to restrict me from using the space for 1 month.

I believed that this was stupid, and so I argued, but they wouldn't budge. I still wanted to make myself heard, so I cut and stapled strips together that had my tag on them, and put them across the library door, along with a sign that read "You can't stop Masta.C!". Apparently, this caused librarians to feel like they were in danger(don't get me started) and because it was "retaliating to a punishment" I got an in school suspension.

I still don't really feel the suspension was just(I literally said "Y'all can't stop me), but there was no way to change it. I feel like my speech wasn't in violation of the rules, and that by suspending me for my speech they violated my rights.

I will continue to tag, but not near the library.

I think for now I just want to put this dumb shit behind me, and if I want to speak on it more in the future, I will make a song about it.(14400 minutes anyone?)

Until Next Time,


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